Wind load Calculator for Balustrades, Juliet Balconies and Screens

Wind loading occasionally is the dominant design factor and will supercede the regular loads on the balustrade. This is important to ascertain at the outset.

We have created a simple online calculator which lets you see the Characteristic wind pressure for your site. The results can be used in conjunction with our Structural Calculations for the relevant product.

Enter the details of your site requirement below and press calculate.




Important notes & wind load parameters

  • The Characteristic wind pressure result is for sites with no significant orography in relation to wind effects.  (ie. orography coefficient 1.0).  Increased wind load coefficients apply to sites near the top of hills, ridges, cliffs or escarpments, these will require a much more detailed calculation and in such cases do use the results above.
  • Design wind loads are influenced by a number of variable factors.  These include site location, site altitude above sea level, type of terrain, and height of balustrade above ground level. These parameters and conditions are defined in BS EN 1991-1-4:2002 + A1: 2010 ‘Actions on structures – wind actions’ & UK National Annex to EN 1991-1-4:2002 + A1:2010. The above calculation is based on the conditions you have entered, resulting in specific coefficients. The formula applied results in an overall characteristic wind pressure. The design and calculation will be relevant to balustrades of any length with or without return corners.
  • Directional, seasonal, and probability factors are all taken as normal, for which the relevant coefficient is 1.0.  This is a slightly conservative approach.


Structural Calculations

Each of our prodcuts will have a structural calculation and will include wind load parametes and the Characteristic wind pressure that the system is suitable for:

Juliet Balcony systems calculations

Glass Balustrades & 1.8m high screen systems calculations

More links and actions:

Here are some more releavnt links and actions you may like to follow

Types of BalustradesGetting a QuoteWhen to Order
Placing an OrderTech Details, Installation & Building Regs



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