Glass Juliet Balconies
Technical Details, Structural Calculations

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Each of the Four Types of our Glass Juliet Balconies has a relevant Structural Calculation that validates conformity of the parts and the system as a whole to Building Regs and to current British Standards & Eurocodes:

Orbit Juliet - Calculation

Click to expand (up to 3.4m wide Juliet)

Glass Juliet Balcony The Traditional Juliet

Balconette's Traditional Orbit Juliet Balcony system utilises a circular handrail (70mm diameter) and a bracketed bottom rail that fits underneath the cill. Click on the image for more information and on the sizes below to purchase your Orbit Juliet balcony.

Aerofoil Juliet - Calculation

Click here to expand (up to 4.1m wide Juliet)

Glass Juliet Balcony Aerofoil bal 2 Juliet

Balconette’s Aerofoil Juliet system has a unique aerofoil shaped handrail and bracketed bottom rail that fits underneath the cill.It spans up to 4.1m in width (handrail length) without posts. Click on the image for more information and on the sizes below to purchase your juliet balcony.

Orbit Mirror Juliet - Calculation

Click here to expand (up to 2.84m wide Juliet)

Glass Juliet Balcony The Mirror Juliet

This system is called the Mirror Juliet because the circular handrail is mirrored top and bottom. The advantage of this system is the fact that it avoids the need for fixing underneath the cill whilst still looking stylish.

Frameless Juliet - Calculation

Click here to expand (up to 3.3m wide Juliet)

frameless Glass Juliet Balcony

Frameless Glass Juliet Balconies, where all there is literally, is a single sheet of glass, and two slim aesthetic side profiles are a highly aesthetic solution for a balcony guarding solution.

British Standards and EuroCodes used for the design:

BS 6180:2011 - British standard: Barriers in and about buildings.
BS EN 1991-1-1-4:2005 + A1 2010 - Eurocode 1: Wind actions on structures
BS EN 1990:2002 + A1:2005 - Eurocode: UK National annex for Eurocode
EN 1990 - Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design.
EN 1991 - Eurocode 1: Actions on structures.
EN 1993 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures.
EN 1999 - Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures.

If you have any questions concerning our glass Juliette balconies selection, please contact us for more information.

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