Will My Local Authority Require Any Paperwork?

What Paperwork to Provide Your Local Authority

Your local authority will require confirmation that the Juliet balcony conforms and is in compliance with BS6180:2011. This can be in the form of structural calculations, load tests or other proof that demonstrates that the Juliet Balcony in question meets the required standards. Wind Load Assessment & Compliance. The assessment of wind loads is part of the same BS6180:2011 standard, and in some instances, wind loads exceed the regular balustrade loads and become the dominant design criterion. This is particularly true of tall balustrades such as privacy screens and of balustrades on tall buildings and in exposed locations. You may be asked to demonstrate that wind loads have been considered and, where they are the dominant design factor, that the balustrading system is designed to the correct wind loads.

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Sunset view through a Royal Chrome Orbit Juliet Balcony

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