Glass Balustrade Capping

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To price your balustrade requirement first choose the shape most similar to yours

1-Sided 1 section glass balustrade
2-Sided 2 section glass balustrade
3-Sided 3 section glass balustrade
4-Sided 4 sides glass balustrade


Thinking of adding a structural glass balustrade to your property? Then as well as major decisions such as configuration and whether you install the structural base channel above or below floor level, there are smaller decisions that affect the way your finished glass balustrade looks. Glass balustrade capping is one of those choices. 

This article explains more about glass balustrade capping. If you want to learn more about the other factors you need to consider when installing a structural glass balustrade, head over here.

Galss Balustrade Capping

What is glass balustrade capping?

Glass balustrade capping is another name for the handrail you see on top of a Semi-Frameless, structural glass balustrade. You could think of capping as the icing on the cake because of the way it helps “finish” your structural glass balustrade. 

Is glass balustrade capping necessary?

There are two ways of answering this question. From a structural perspective and from a design angle. 

From a structural perspective, glass balustrade capping isn’t necessary because it doesn’t add strength. It simply sits on the top edge of your glass balustrading and acts as a decorative handrail. That’s because the structural integrity of a Frameless or Semi-Frameless glass balustrade is in the base channel and laminated glass. In contrast, a traditional framed glass balustrade gets its strength from the handrails and posts.

From a design perspective, the need for glass balustrade capping is more subjective. Good design is not just about making your property look good. It must also work for the people living in or using your property. So, although the sleek lines of a Frameless glass balustrade may appeal from an aesthetic point of view, you may find that it’s more practical to add capping to your structural glass balustrades. 

SG12 Curved Frameless Balustrade

Why do people choose glass balustrade capping?

There are many reasons for adding capping to glass balustrades. Here are three of the most common:

  1. To emphasise a building’s architecture. Glass balustrade capping is an unobtrusive way to reinforce the lines and curves of a building’s architectural charm. By adding capping to your glass balustrades, you can emphasise period features and draw attention to certain areas of your building. Whether your property has voluptuous curves or unusual angles, the capping on your Semi-Frameless glass balustrade can help emphasise your building’s beauty. 
  2. For extra reassurance. The almost-there appearance of Frameless glass balustrades can be unnerving for some people, such as those with poor eyesight. In this case, the capping works as a reassuring handrail to make the balustrade more visible. 
  3. For better-marked boundaries. Because capping can help increase the definition on your structural glass balustrade, it helps mark a boundary more clearly than if capping was not used. This makes capping on a structural glass balustrade perfect for commercial properties and homes that look out onto public beauty spots such as the coast.

SG12 Frameless Glass balustrade system

Are there alternatives to glass balustrade capping?

If glass balustrade capping isn’t right for your project, you can choose from a range of other options. Perhaps you’d prefer Fully Frameless glass balustrades? Without capping or a handrail, you get clear, unobstructed views and a cutting-edge finish. 

If you’re looking for a more substantial handrail, then our proprietary Hybrid® balustrade options should tick all your boxes. They’re designed in such a way that the handrails (and posts, when needed) create the strength to withstand heavy loads. You can choose between the Orbit System with its classic circular handrail and the Aerofoil System which has a sleeker, more aerodynamic-shaped handrail.

How do I order a glass balustrade with capping?

To find out more about our range of glass balustrades with and without capping, head to our website. There, you can get a quote, find full technical specifications and installation guides, read reviews and be inspired by recent installations.

Call us to talk to our experienced team who will be able to answer any questions and help you place your order. 

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