Having no posts in our Balconette balcony is absolutely perfect

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Installed on a South Coast beachfront home, this stylish balcony without any supporting posts is a great example of what can be achieved using Balconette’s Aerofoil Glass Balustrade System.

The maximum structural length without posts of the Aerofoil System is four metres, or up to 12 metres for a 3-sided balustrade (when fixed wall to wall). Here, the wing-shaped handrail in a Silver Anodised finish is fixed to the walls at both ends to provide the required structural strength.


As each of the sides measures three metres long, the system realises Bill Hoal’s vision of a postless balcony at the detached Bognor Regis property. “It’s great, we are really pleased. The balustrade is absolutely perfect and adds the finishing touch to our major renovation project,” he says.

The works involved completely re-configuring the first floor of the 1920s house to create bigger bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, including the addition of two new dormer French Doors.

As one of the dormers has access onto the original sunlounge roof, the couple wanted to use this space and replace an old wooden balustrade, which was unlikely to comply with current regulations.

Their initial research consisted of walking round their local area, looking at existing balconies for inspiration and asking homeowners on what they thought of their balustrades. Then, having seen Balconette’s website and received the company’s brochure, the couple involved their builder in the decision.


“We loved the idea and simplicity of the Balconette balustrade and just went for it on that basis,” continues Bill. “Our builder also said he couldn’t see any issues with it whatsoever in terms of fitting. It didn’t take very long to install, and he was over the moon with it.”

Water drainage was a slight concern for the couple, as Bill explains: “Our builder was really good and inserted 5mm spacers underneath the glass panels in the base track. It’s invisible and massively effective, rain drains away perfectly.”

He adds: “The balcony is perfect for sitting out on with a morning coffee. It also maximises the location of the house as we have uninterrupted views over the English Channel. An added plus is the glass is a brilliant wind barrier, providing protection from sea breezes.”





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