Glass Balustrades and Glass Gate in Market Harborough, East Midlands

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Clive Hodgkinson - Market Harborough, East Midlands

Balconette balustrade creates the perfect party patio

Beautiful Glass Balustrades and an elegant Glass Gate from Balconette has completely transformed this spectacular outdoor entertaining space at a home near Market Harborough in the East Midlands.

Glass Balustrade in East Midlands

Keen socialisers Clive Hodgkinson and his wife have almost completed renovating the substantial detached house they purchased in an ‘unfinished state’ eight years ago.

“We’re a sociable bunch in our neighbourhood and we enjoy entertaining, so the outdoor space was a major factor in buying the property,” says retiree Clive. “However, maintenance of the 120-foot long raised timber decking and wooden balustrading was taking a lot of back-breaking work every year!”

Decking Before Renovaion Wooden Balustrade Before Renovation

Recognising the heavy workload, the couple decided to seek a low-maintenance replacement solution in Balconette’s glass and aluminium balustrade systems to provide the security barrier on top of new composite decking.

With the balustrade’s glass panels requiring virtually no maintenance, while keeping uninterrupted views to the extensive garden and woodland, Balconette’s Aerofoil Balustrade System has also ended Clive’s annual chore of caring for the former timber balustrade and spindles.

An added bonus was Balconette’s ability to supply a Glass Gate for the end of a bridge, which connects to the garden, thus fully enclosing the decking area. Clive explains: “Our Persian cat is a house cat, so we needed a gate to stop her venturing into the garden. The Balconette Glass Gate is ideal as she can happily spend hours on the decking and see everything through the glass.”

glass patio balustrade Aerofoil Glass Balustrades

Balconette’s technical team designed the balustrade to achieve Clive’s vision of ‘having fewer posts and as much glass as possible’. “The team did an excellent job and we are absolutely delighted with the result,” he continues. “We get many compliments on the balustrade, which lets in lots of light. It is nice to sit and enjoy looking over the garden without spindles every four inches obliterating the view.

“The Aerofoil balustrade has made such a difference; it makes the house look more modern - ‘futuristic’ even - as well as giving us all the advantages of being able to look through the glass and see over the garden.”

Happy to recommend Balconette as a company, their technical team, design and support, Clive concludes: “Everything went according to plan, it works and looks perfect!”

glass balustrade for decking glass balustrade patio

The project was installed in four weeks by Chris Wilkinson, Director of A&C Carpentry. The first time he had fitted Balconette’s products, he appreciated the company’s ‘helpful’ technical support, adding: “Any query was answered in just a phone call. The balustrade looks really nice; it suits the garden, the house and Clive down to the ground!”

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