Adding Contemporary Railings and Balconies

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Adding a Balcony

People rightly take pride in their home and there are many ways to get the most out of a property. Depending on the layout of the home and the surrounding land, there are a variety of options available to improve the nature of the home but adding a balcony is a tremendous way to increase the level of enjoyment your home can provide.

A balcony provides a great way to get fresh air and enjoy the views from the upper levels of your property. If your home gets the sun in the morning, having breakfast on a sun-kissed balcony with a contemporary railing can be a tremendous way to start the day. If your home experiences a pleasant climate, socialising with friends on the balcony in the evening can be a great way to have fun and spend time with the people you like.

A glass balcony can also add great value to a home. Not only opening up an additional and usable amenity but also adding an aesthetic dynamic to the outside of the house.

Balcony Systems' aluminium handrail

Unrestricted views

Glass on your balcony differs from using metal bars. A glass balustrade creates a safe barrier while not restricting the views from the balcony. Adding a glass balcony is the best way to maximise the view you have from your home and can help you make the most of the surrounding scenery.

Things to take into consideration

There are many things to consider when installing a balcony to your home but hand in hand there is also a wide array of options available.

The biggest choices for people will revolve around the type of glass balustrade, cost, decking and the finish of the balcony, all of which can impact on the overall look and feel of the balcony. If you plan on spending a lot of time socialising on the balcony, making it as comfortable as possible is essential but it has to be sturdy. If a balcony is expected to host a number of people, there is a need for the decking to provide an element of support whilst looking as desirable as possible. Treated wood is a popular style of decking on a balcony and can be a perfect accompaniment to a glass balcony. The mixture of wood and glass can provide a classic feel and one in which many people will feel comfortable with using. Advancement in technology now allows a decking product that looks like reall wood but without the maintenance issues. More on this on Balcony Systems’ Composite Wood Decking selection here (link to new website decking section)

Planning requirements for balconies

One of the first things to do when considering adding a balcony to your home is to check out the planning requirements with your local council or authority. There is usually a requirement to formally apply for permission to add a balcony to the property and this should always be in place before work begins otherwise an order may be received to remove any work undertaken.

Once planning permission has been granted and work has begun on building a balcony, there is likely to be a great inconvenience to home life for a short while. The balcony is likely to be attached to a room that is used on a regular basis so adding this may require the room not to be used for a period of time. If the renovation work is being done whilst the property is empty it will not be an issue but it may be that the work to add a balcony is carried out after many years in a property.

Keeping the glass clean

One of the issues that may impact on the level of enjoyment gleaned from having a balcony lies in keeping the balcony clean, which can be extremely difficult if there is a lot of glass.

Whether it is in the doors or on glass balustrades, the glass that is exposed to the weather and extremities will require cleaning on a regular basis. Failing to keep the glass front clean can result in the viewing possibilities being obscured and will make any eventual cleaning process harder to complete. The problems of cleaning external glass can be minimized by having it specially treated and coated using Balcony Systems unique self-cleaning coating and this is something that is well worth considering. For more details on the coating see

Adding a balcony with a contemporary railing to your home can be a financial decision or it can be a decision that benefits the look and feel of the home. Quite often, it will be a decision that positively impacts on both of these areas but there are many things to consider when thinking about adding a balcony. . It is important to weigh up the costs of the balcony and ensure that it will be used often enough to cover this. Once you can see the possible views from a glass balcony, it can be an easy decision to make.

Contemporary railing designs


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