Choosing the correct fixings

To price your balustrade requirement first choose the shape most similar to yours

1-Sided 1 section glass balustrade
2-Sided 2 section glass balustrade
3-Sided 3 section glass balustrade
4-Sided 4 sides glass balustrade
5-Sided 5 sides glass balustrade
Curved curved glass balustrade


balcony 1 system section

Choosing the correct fixings requires a basic understanding of the forces applied to a balustrade or Juliet balcony. These forces are referred to as loads or loadings. Loadings are determined by the type of use in the building area where the balcony, balustrade, or barrier is located.

Different areas (occupancy types, such as residential, public etc) have distinct designated loading requirements, which are presented in the form of a table (table 2 starting on page 9) of BS 6180:2011 - Barriers in and about buildings – Code of practice. Table 2 shows the Minimum horizontal imposed loads for parapets, barriers and balustrades.

The majority of balustrades and balconies that we deal with pertain to residential balconies, which require a load of 0.74 kN (Kilo Newtons). Most of our generic structural calculations and load tests are based on this specific loading criterion. The generic calculations and past test information provide guidance on how to determine the correct fixings for the job.

More on loadings and requirements can be found in a separate article here:

Choose the fixing that fits

Any system, including our own, is designed to work with all its components. If it is not fixed with a securing mechanism capable of bearing the required loads, then the entire system can fail. The building, the securing mechanisms, and the product all function as a chain. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link; therefore, it is crucial to ensure that each of the components is suitable for its intended purpose. The balustrade must be capable of supporting the loads, the walls must withstand the loads, and the securing mechanisms must hold them together without failing under the applied loads.

If it's affixed to a wall that isn't robust enough to support the loads placed upon it, the entire system can fail.

balcony 2 system section

How to choose the correct fixing in 3 easy steps:

1.Determine the loading required for the fixings from our structural calculations.

2.Precisely know the materials into or onto which you are fixing your balustrade.

3.Steps 1 and 2 will enable you to select the best fixing and fixing method capable of meeting the required loadings on the specified substrate.

Fixing glass balconies and Juliets

1. You must be aware of the required loads that the fixings need to meet, and we provide this information in our structural calculations for each type of glass balustrading system we supply.

2. Ensure that you have precise details about what you are anchoring the glass balustrade into. Simply stating "brick" or "concrete" is not sufficient. Factors such as the types, density, age, condition, and more must all be considered when selecting your fixings and anchoring method.

3. Using the information from steps 1 and 2, you can now confidently choose the correct fixings and anchoring method.

If you lack experience in selecting such fixings and anchoring methods, you can take the information from steps 1 and 2 to your local builder's merchant. They are usually able to supply you with fixings that meet the required load specifications.

wall fixings


We supply a complete system for the installation of glass balustrades for balconies, decks, around pools, and more. This comprehensive system includes all necessary components such as handrails, posts, supports, profiles, brackets, rubber gaskets, system accessories, and anything else required to assemble the system. However, we do not provide the fixings as they can vary significantly from one project to another and depend on the substrate-specific information mentioned above.

The surface to which you will attach our glass balustrading may include the building itself, a balcony, a terrace, a wall, a deck, and so on. Naturally, these surfaces can be constructed from different materials and possess varying levels of strength, necessitating different types of glass balustrade fixings.

Supply only and advice on fixings

wall fixings 25112.2

If we are not handling the installation, we do not provide advice on which fixings to choose. When we supply a balustrade but are not directly involved in the installation process, it is essential for you to inspect the site and the structures to which the balustrade will be fixed. You must select a fixing that aligns with the load requirements specific to that substrate or structure.

We provide you, the client, with all the relevant data regarding the system and its requirements. This information is intended for you, your architect, or your engineer to evaluate and select the fixing that is most appropriate for your particular building and situation. Whether you are fixing the balustrade into steel, brick, concrete, block walls, timber, or any other material on-site, you can easily choose the correct fixing by considering the loading information that we provide.

The specific site data and site specific reports

We always provide all pertinent data, including technical information, test reports, structural engineer reports, or calculations - everything in our possession that can offer the relevant required information for the client to determine what to use or choose in their specific application.

external balcony baluster

There may be cases where a client wants or requires site-specific details to be checked. In such instances, the employment of a structural engineer is necessary. The engineer will need to generate a specific report for that site, and it is likely they will need to visit the site to assess the specific site data. Please note that this additional service incurs extra costs, whether arranged through us or directly. If you believe this is necessary, please contact us, and we can discuss the details with you and provide an estimate for these services.

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